Sport that Supports

Fostering Healthcare, Emotional Support, and Camaraderie Through Youth Sports


DTCare Sarajevo organized its first regional arm-wrestling championship to benefit the victims of muscular dystrophy (MD). The tournament was set to coincide with muscular dystrophy awareness month celebrated in September to approach and accomplish two goals in Bosnia and Herzegovina – first, to engage the disenfranchised youth in socialization, healthy competition, sportsmanship and reconciliation and second, to assist in easing the suffering of victims of muscular dystrophy.

As a “strength” event, our goal was to capture and share some of the “strength” to those who need it most. Bosnia and Herzegovina currently ranks in the bottom tier of healthcare quality in Europe, plagued by the lack of resources, rampant corruption, and very few options for complex diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases.


Through the tournament and the benefit drive we learned that the local youth is hungry for socialization and sports that promote camaraderie and technique; we also found that the individuals suffering from muscular dystrophy often lack proper diagnostics and access to essential treatment. Our goal is to continue fostering sports among youth and weaving sports into a conduit to help those less fortunate who need access to specialized healthcare, emotional, and rehabilitative support.