- DTCare in Ukraine | Mental Health -

Art Therapy for Vulnerable Children

Psychological Support for At-Risk Children in Ukraine

Art Therapy specifically impacts children by encouraging the release of their negative and damaging thoughts and feelings to regulate their emotional state while strengthening their self-esteem, self-knowledge, and self-expression. Group art therapy establishes a safe environment for children to be themselves which helps them to regain a sense of internal safety and restores inner resolutions. Each individual gains perspective from individual experiences in the context of how others are coping with similar situations. Group members serve as peer-to-peer support and points of connection to combat patient isolation. Art therapy will help children, teenagers, and youth understand, process, and heal from traumatic experiences and trauma.

Before war broke out in Ukraine, over 105,00 children lived in institutionalized care in Ukraine; 90% of these children are ‘social orphans’ whose families either requested or require help from the state to care for their children. DTCare acknowledges that under 10% of children raised in institutionalized orphanage centers manage to fully integrate into society as adults. Ukraine has the highest rate of institutionalized care in all of Europe. After the Russian invasion, approximately 96,500 children were dismissed from orphanages to parents or guardians, leaving approximately 10,000 in institutionalized care. Many of these children have been relocated to orphanage facilities in Western Ukraine, including the city and region of Lviv.

DTCare and Care in Action collaborate to support orphaned children’s mental health in Ukraine.

DTCare and Care in Action are partnering to provide psychological and developmental support through art therapy to an extensive network of over 14 orphanages, family homes, and IDP centers throughout Ukraine. Care in Action is a nonprofit organization that seeks to better the lives and opportunities of vulnerable children by designing programs and delivering services that strengthen, empower, and prepare children in care to enter the working world and lead fulfilling and independent lives. DTCare and Care in Action’s partnership make essential mental health services accessible to vulnerable children and youth in care through art therapy buddy programs, workshops, and sessions designed by licensed psychologists and art therapists to aid in healing from severe trauma. DTCare connects skilled Ukrainian art therapists with orphanages in Lviv to support children and youth in a variety of care settings through mental health programs.

Art Therapy for Orphanages in Lviv

DTCare Makes a Positive Impact Through Art Therapy in Ukrainian Orphanages

In April 2023, DTCare worked alongside our partners at Care in Action and the All-Ukrainian Art Therapy Association to complete the first full month of art therapy programs for children living in orphanages in the Lviv region of Ukraine. This program currently employs seven art therapists, working part-time at five different facilities. Most sessions are operated as group sessions hosting between 2 and 12 children together. Six children were identified as needing additional support and received individual therapy sessions.

Upon review of this data and based on conversations with the therapists and Care in Action partners, DTCare feels confident that this program is utilizing donations responsibly and is providing a hugely beneficial service. The therapists and Care in Action report that the children are responding positively to the experience. PURC’s generous support of this program is providing a massive benefit to at-risk children and youth in Lviv.

Moving forward, with established reporting systems in place and full confidence in our team, DTCare plans to expand programs to include additional orphanages, increase the number of sessions, and hire additional trained art therapists. We are currently in discussions with two esteemed music therapists who have applied to participate in this project and have several art therapists who have applied to work full time. DTCare, Care in Action, and the All-Ukrainian Art Therapy Association are conducting interviews with applicants and are committed to partnering with the highest quality specialists.

Art Therapy Demographics in Lviv

Care in Action is committed to empowering children and youth to lead fulfilling lives through art therapy buddy programs, workshops, and sessions designed by licensed psychologists. With DTCare and PURC’s support, Care in Action is able to hold tailored therapy camps and sessions with a focus on young people.

Over 80 percent of the clients we provide free art therapy services to in Lviv are children under 13, while the remainder of our clients are adult women.

The art therapy programs at Care in Action have proven to be highly effective in promoting positive mental health and well-being in children and youth. Through one-on-one sessions and workshops, licensed psychologists guide and support young people in exploring their emotions and expressing themselves through various art forms.

Sharing Our Stories

The Umbrella Project

In one small group art therapy session at an orphanage in Lviv, children were asked to draw something under an umbrella that they would like to keep safe and protected. Some children drew technology or people they know. A child put a clay border, blue and yellow, around his umbrella to better protect himself from bombs and  created a clay monster- saying that if he protects the monster, the monster will protect him.

A Ukrainian boy outlines his umbrella drawing with clay to better shield himself from incoming bombs.

A Ukrainian boy created a clay monster, saying that “if he protects the monster, the monster will protect him.”

Child Art Therapy in Action

DTCare and Care in Action collaborate to empower children and youth who have experienced trauma and loss. Through various art forms such as drawing, painting, and sculpture, these children are able to express and understand their emotions in a safe and supportive environment. Art therapy also helps to build self-esteem, improve communication skills, and develop coping mechanisms for dealing with their difficult experiences. By creating works of art, these children are able to gain a sense of control and agency over their lives, which can be empowering for those who have experienced a lack of control in their past. Additionally, art therapy can facilitate healing and promote positive mental health outcomes for orphaned children and youth, allowing them to process and move forward from their past traumas.

”Overcome Self-doubt” Session

In this one-on-one session at Care in Action’s Creative Hub, the client endeavored to overcome her self-doubt about drawing.

Sand Therapy

DTCare and Care in Action provides various modes of therapy at Care in Action’s Creative Hub. In this one-on-one art therapy session, the client explores their personal boundaries through sand therapy.

Art Therapy for Overcoming Fear

A client explores and symbolizes her fear by utilizing clay to model and materialize her fear at Care in Action’s Creative Hub in Liviv.

”A Gift from the Heart” Session

Our art therapists specialize in engaging children. In the spirit of love and Valentine’s Day, Care in Action held a themed “Gift from the Heart” group art therapy session where eight children explored the idea of love and what it means to them by creating Valentine’s Day gifts for those they love.

Our Impact

DTCare and SandBoxKids

Bringing Healing and Summer Fun to War-Affected Children: The Impact of DTCare and SandBoxKids

In June 2023, DTCare was thrilled to support two summer camps in Lviv and Odesa, focused on enriching the lives of foster families and displaced children. These camps offer a variety of activities, including singing, campfires, talent shows, and more. Additionally, DTCare provided licensed art therapists to incorporate healing art therapy group sessions to process any trauma the families may have experienced. One of the camps, run by a Ukrainian NGO SandBoxKids, strives to provide opportunities for children from occupied territories, children of soldiers, and children of volunteers. One of DTCare's art therapists, Polina, used free drawing techniques, play practices, collages, character creation, and toys to help the children process past traumatic experiences creatively and safely while fostering communication between them and their peers.

DTCare Sponsors Care in Action Summer Camp

Summer Art Therapy Camp: “Together is Better”

With the help from the Pittsburgh Ukraine Relief Coalition (PURC), DTCare has pledged to sponsor one of Care In Action’s Summer Camp for Foster Families: “Together is Better”. This camp is a 4-day family summer camp for 12 parents and 57 children from 7 family-style orphanages and foster families of Lviv and the Lviv region. This camp focuses on child development programs which include art therapy, sports, culinary learning opportunities, and educational and entertainment activities led by volunteers or outsourced specialists. DTCare is proud to support the transformative work that Care In Action is doing to continually encourage and protect Ukrainian orphanages, foster families, and IDP centers amid conflict and war.

Expected Outcomes

Parents gain knowledge practices and specialized tools to apply in their everyday care for fostered children, with solutions to parenting challenges identified by peers and experts.

Teens boost their self-esteem and confidence, gain essential life skills as well as make new friends & learn to overcome their fears.

Younger children develop their interests and skills, boost their self-esteem, broaden their general knowledge, stimulate their imagination, and reduce anxieties through art-therapy

Produces strengthened communication, respect, and trust between FSOs and foster families of the Lviv region.

Relations within the family are strengthened through quality time and happy memories and Parents have the opportunity to recharge their mental, emotional, and physical batteries thanks to help with looking after their children.


See the resources below for more information: